IMPROVE YOUR MARRIAGE - Don't Overlook The Obvious

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Do you remember everything
That they told you?

"Weren't you listening?"
"I just told you about this, yesterday!'
"I wish that you would pay attention, for once!"
"How many times have I told you?"

Sound familiar?
But, are you usually on the giving
or the receiving end of these comments?

Fact is, there is often one spouse who seems to bear the brunt of these remarks.
Sometimes, it is because the other partner is too passive or afraid to say these things, themselves, for fear of dealing with a combination of defensive comments and a verbal lashing.
Other times, it is because one spouse consistently chooses poor timing to bring something up. (They ask a favor of their husband/ wife while that person is watching a football game, or while they are dealing with a crying child, or rushing out the door because they are late for an appointment, or... )
And, other times, it is because the spouse talks so much, that their partner eventually 'tunes them out', opting to hope for picking up 'important words or phrases' as they are uttered.

We simply need to become better at knowing when our spouse will likely be more attentive to what we say. - We need to make important conversation 'stand out' from the mundane chit-chat, we indulge in. - We need to overcome our fears and let our partner know when they are being forgetful. - We need to make paying attention to our spouse, more important than we typically do.

Finally, the fact is that everyone forgets what someone says to us, at some point in time.
So, unless you married a louse who truly cares less about anything that you say or is important to you, cut your spouse the slack that they deserve.

'Nuff said!

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Don't Overlook The Obvious
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